Maja Bio Photo

Maja Zonjic

Having emigrated to Canada from Croatia in 1999, my artistic concerns are largely influenced by my background, and predominantly focus on; the impact of globalization on coastal communities, environmental conservation and federal policies, the contemporary representation of war and conflict, as well as social injustice and women’s rights. As the first recipient of Ryerson University’s MFA Social Justice scholarship, I have recently defended my M.F.A. degree in Documentary Media with Thesis Research focusing on the exacerbation of environmental and social issues due to unsustainable tourism development in Utila, Honduras. My work has been exhibited and screened within Canada and internationally; most notably, as part of the Beneath the Waves Film Festival, the Go Global Expo, and the DOC NOW Documentary Media Festival; during which, I was also a panelist. Additionally, I have been published in Verge Magazine, Torontoist, Surface & Symbol, Red Flag Magazine, and Function Magazine amongst others. I am an avid diver, snowboarder, surfer, backpacker, and conservationist, and enjoy volunteering my time and art in support of artistic, community, and conservation efforts within Ontario, as well as Central America. A selection of my work can be seen at