Flag # 9: Portugal

By João Pedro Marnoto

Names: Miguel Nóvoa, Gonçalo Mota, Manuel De Sousa Gomes, Anna Brufau, João Pedro Marnoto (holding flag), Patife, Violeta Vilaça, Nuno Martins, Joana Braga, Oscar, Rui Quina

Location: Highlands of Miranda do Douro, Northeast Portugal

The group of people featured in the image is a small sampling that represents the larger organization of the A.E.P.G.A. (Association for the Study and Protection of Asinine Cattle). Many organizations are committed to various social and environmental causes, but it is very rare to find a group committed to protecting one specific breed of donkeys! The image was taken in the mountain range where the Donkeys derived.

In collaboration with photographer João Pedro Marnoto (holding the flag in the main image above) A.E.P.G.A launched an awareness raising initiative called “Faith in Donkeys” as part of their mission to enhance the usefulness and importance of human-animal relationship, with special relevance to the donkeys, mules and males in the county of Alfandega da Fé, in Northeast Portugal.

“We are looking for the presence of an ancient world that still resist the avalanche of modernity, and especially those who watch and resist its demise.”

Despite AEPGA to be an association whose main purpose focuses on rehabilitation and maintenance of the Miranda Donkey breed, the donkey and the asinine cattle in this project take on a symbolic role of representing the cultural and natural wealth of the region. Through the presence of this animal the AEPGA encourages people to discover the everyday facets of their owners – their material culture, craft knowledge, oral tradition, folk knowledge, and their deeper feelings and emotions.

The image directly above is from a series titled “Faith In Donkeys” a photo project by photographer João Pedro Marnoto for the AEPGA.