For the Questions issue we are turning our focus from the outside world and bringing it inward. Each day for 100 days we will step out into the world and meet with one person. We will ask each person we meet the same 12 questions. At the end of 100 days we hope to capture our collective voice within this interwoven web of dialog.Day 70: Heather Bain
What do you do for a living?
Tutoring students at the moment and Equine Facilitated Learning soon.
What do you do to feel alive?
When I dance and laugh and sing and get outside.
A lesson you learned from your mother:
Acceptance. When my mother found me smoking, instead of yelling at me she said, “I gave you a perfectly good body why ruin it….”
A lesson you learned from your father:
That life is about experiences that should never be labelled good or bad – they are just experiences.
What’s the most beautiful thing you saw today?
The blue skies and the daffodils breaking through the earth ready to bloom.
What’s one thing you wouldn’t want anyone to take away from you?
My smile
What’s a thought you would like to never have again?
I’m not good enough.
If you could become an inanimate object what would it be?
A tree
When do you feel most loved?
When I feel joy in my heart.
If your life were to end tomorrow what would be left undone?
From my perspective whenever the time comes it will be the perfect time to go, and therefore even if things were unfinished that would still be perfect and wouldn’t feel “undone“.
What global issue would you take on if you didn’t have to worry about how?
Consumerism and the waste that it creates. I’d especially like to ban the production of polystyrene.
What’s the scariest thing that ever happened to you?
Jumping out of a plane, but it was also awesome.