For the Questions issue we are turning our focus from the outside world and bringing it inward. Each day for 100 days we will step out into the world and meet with one person. We will ask each person we meet the same 12 questions. At the end of 100 days we hope to capture our collective voice within this interwoven web of dialog.Day 37: Bryna Anderson and Hannahlee Faw
What do you do for a living?
I’m 4th grade student and Hannahlee’s in 2nd grade.
What do you do to feel alive?
We go outside and do cartwheels and gymnastics and flips. We play with each other a lot.
A lesson you learned from your mother:
Probably to always follow your dreams and to always listen to her. She makes little schedules for us with times to play, times to go outside and times to go to bed!
A lesson you learned from your father:
Umm…be kind to others and be grateful for what you have. He’s always telling us not to be wasteful with our food or to leave clothes on the floor because some kids don’t have what we have.
What’s the most beautiful thing you saw today?
Bryna: We were on an airplane before this and I saw the landscape across the horizon. It was really beautiful because of all the fall colors.
Hannahlee: Before we got here we saw a statue and it was really pretty. It was of a girl with a pretty dress on and she had flowers in her hair.
What’s one thing you wouldn’t want anyone to take away from you?
Bryna: Probably my dog Dixie because I love her and she always sleeps with me.
Hannahlee: If I had an American Girl doll I wouldn’t let anyone take it away from me. I would put it away and take good care of it.
What’s a thought you would like to never have again?
Byrna: This is something that really happened. My mom was babysitting this kid at our house and he strangled our little poodle and killed it. That made me so sad. Hannahlee doesn’t have an answer for this question. She never thinks of anything that is sad. She only thinks of crazy things!
If you could become an inanimate object what would it be?
Bryna: I would probably be a light on a ceiling.
Hannahlee: I would be a house.
When do you feel most loved?
Hannahlee: We were at a Halloween party this year and I asked everyone who they liked best me or Bryna and they all said me. That made me feel really good.
If your life were to end tomorrow what would be left undone?
Bryna: I’m reading the second Hunger Games book right now. I read the first one. It would make me so mad if I couldn’t finish it!
Hannahlee: There’s a water slide at the hotel where we are going to in Las Vegas. I really want to slide down it!
What global issue would you take on if you didn’t have to worry about how?
Bryna: I would try to help stop hunger. All these people all over the world don’t have food and they die everyday.
Hannahlee: If I had all the money in Texas I would feed everyone in the whole city.
What’s the scariest thing that ever happened to you?
Bryna: I was bungee jumping at the mall and it scared me because one of the straps came loose and I had to hang onto it. I was screaming so loud, but everyone thought I was screaming for joy!
Hannahlee: At Halloween 2 years ago we were on a haunted ride and this man came out with a chainsaw and I started screaming. Also this other time we were all on a four wheeler and my cousin did a wheely on me!