Flag #2: Rainbow Springs, Florida

Location: Rainbow Springs, Florida

Name: Christopher Hale

We caught up with Christopher while canoeing through Rainbow Springs natural springs and freshwater river in Rainbow Springs, Florida. Archaeological evidence indicates that people have been using this spring for nearly 10,000 years. Christopher was using it to train for an upcoming triathlon despite the fact that the Rainbow River is home to dozens of alligators and freshwater snapping turtles.

Rainbow Springs is Florida’s fourth largest spring out of over 40 natural springs that run from central Florida up through the northwestern corner into the panhandle. Zephyrhills is the most widely known of Florida’s springs, as made popular by Zephyrhills bottled water brand a product of Poland Springs and Nestlé Waters North America. In 1987 Nestlé took over Zephyrhills and a number of spring heads in Florida state as part of their expanding bottle water venture.  Nestlé Water North America’s business model is to seek out the freshest purest spring water all over the country and then bargain with the local government to gain private rights over the water which they then sell for a profit.

For more information on how to visit and protect Florida’s natural springs click here